Év: 1918
Játékidő: 11 mins
Leírás: I. The rally in Birmingham led by a male band. The women are mostly in uniform. The marching column includes a steam tractor, a horse-drawn plough and a horse-drawn rake. The procession goes up New Street past the cinema, and up to the Town Hall. II. Work on the farm, with Land Girls cleaning out stables, chasing bullocks and cattle out to pasture, unloading sacks from a cart, hoeing a field by hand, thatching a hayrick and hoeing a field of cabbages with a horse-drawn hoe. The heavy and monotonous nature of the work is stressed. One girl using a mechanical horse-drawn reaper stops to repair a jam in the mechanism. Her technical proficiency is stressed. The girls continue bundling corn stooks, and ploughing with a horse-drawn plough.
Work of the Warwickshire branch of the Women's Land Army, including a march through the centre of Birmingham, 1918 (?).
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I / Women's Land Army1 / recruitment, British civilian: Women's Land Army / agriculture, British - arable / transport, British civilian - agricultural / ceremonies, British - event-related: recruiting march (Women's Land Army) / buildings, British - institutional: town hall / 31/3(41) / Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK / sex
Szolgáltató: Imperial War Museums
Jogok: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Gyártó: Pathe
Szín: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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